Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Return of an Old Problem Part 5, Late Assessments...and a Humorous Note!

Since I hadn't heard back from the plumber since our brief conversation on Friday, I called him on Monday, April 22nd...and got his voicemail.

So I e-mailed the property manager the following...
It's now been a week since we informed you of the plumbing problem.
As of the posting of this e-mail, I have not heard back from (the plumber) since I reached him at 4:15 pm on Friday, April 19th, 2013.
He said he'd call back a half-hour later.
He did not do so.
I phoned him yesterday, Monday, April 22nd, at 5 pm and got his voicemail.
Left a message, but, as of now (almost 24 hours later), received no response.

If your chosen plumber is unavailable and you cannot provide another in a timely manner, I will secure another and bill you for his/her services.
Less than an hour later, I received the following e-mail from the plumber...
Hi All,
 I am available after my second call tomorrow about noon tomorrow or perhaps Thursday if that works. Of course if you have water on the floor you should have already called. Call my cell if you need me.
I responded...
Early Thursday morning will be fine.
The water hasn't crested over the top of the shower stall pan...yet.

BTW: If you remember, we spoke at 4:15 pm on Friday, April 19th.
You were doing a job and said you'd call back a half-hour later.
Probably because it was a difficult task, you lost track and didn't call back.
I phoned you yesterday, Monday, April 22nd, at 5 pm and got your voicemail, but received no response.
Again, odds are you were involved in some labor-intensive task and couldn't answer.
He confirmed for Thursday morning, and that's where we stand as of now.

On a side note, we received the assessment bill (late, as usual) along with a short (3-page) financial statement as well as a one-page "Year-End Status Report" containing an average of one typo per line.
(At least I hope they're typos, otherwise our idiot property manager can neither spell nor count!)
And, of course, we still haven't received the September 2012, December 2012, nor March 2013  Board meeting minutes.
We'll go into that tomorrow.