To give you an idea of the secretive mindset (such as it is) of the Board about Eddie Foss' Secret Apartment...
After discovery of the Secret Apartment, I tried to go thru "official" channels with the Board and management company...

Hi, Carol (Krengelis, who at that point was the Treasurer of the Condo):
B from '60, here.
I need some info from you in your official capacity as Treasurer for the Condo.
Specifically I need print copies of the following...
The repair bills for the water damage reported in the Garden Room (former Party Room) of '58 in 2004.
The rent rolls for the Garden Room (former Party Room) of '58 from 2002-present (July-Aug 2007)
Shouldn't be more than 4 pages or so.
I can do the copies myself if you don't have the equipment to do so.

Her response:
Just curious as to why you would be asking for this particular information.

My response to her non-response:
I'm curious as to why you're curious.
I'm asking for specific financial (income and expenses) information on a specific Common Area of the condo within a specific time frame.
Any and all residents of a condo are entitled to such information regarding any common areas under the condo law (I downloaded it off the Internet.) and your own charter.
Would you be asking if I wanted to know how much the condo paid for the new washing machine?
However, to keep this on a friendly basis, I'll tell you.
I intend to sublet the empty half the of the Common Area space at '58.
I want to be certain that the present occupant is indeed a legal tenant, how long the lease is (bi-annual, annual or month-to-month), that he is current on his rent, and exactly how much the rent is.
After all, if you wanted to sublet half a space would you want to pay the whole rent for the space?
There is no matter of "privacy" attached since I (and you, and everyone else in the condo, including the presumed renter) are, technically, the landlord(s) of the space. We all have the right to this information.
If, as an officer of the condominium association, you are unwilling or unable to provide the requested information, it will be duly noted and recorded.
I'm hoping you'll be reasonable.

Carol Krengelis' response...
Only unit owners are entitled to information regarding the '58-60 condominiums.
The owner of your unit, M, in entitled to information regarding the condominiums. If she would like information, she needs to make the request to the management office and please copy me.

So, M contacted Fox Management Group directly...
According to Carol Krengelis, I must ask for this information thru the management office, so here's the official request:
Dear Carol Krengelis and/or Mara Fox:
I need some info from you in your official capacities for the Condo at '58-60.
Specifically I need print copies of the following...
The repair bills for the water damage reported in the Garden Room (former Party Room) of '58 in 2004.
The rent rolls for the Garden Room (former Party Room) of '58 from 2002-present (July-Aug 2007)
Shouldn't be more than 4 pages or so.
B or I can do the copies myself if you don't have the equipment to do so.

Note that this request was originally made over a week ago. Jul 28, 2007 8:52 PM

Surprisingly, Fox Management Group responded swiftly, providing a copy of the rent rolls, which showed the living/work space as "storage", and a copy of the "lease", which was neither signed by any parties (including the Board [neither of whom live here any longer], Eddie Foss, or Mara Fox), nor dated!
The Board informed me that they had voted against our $1,800 per year offer for the Secret Apartment at the last meeting, but had failed to mention it in the minutes!
So Eddie Foss got to keep his $10 a month living space and the Condo received only $320 a year instead of $1,800 per year!