Monday, April 22, 2013

The Return of an Old Problem Part 4 and Bill to Property Manager for Services Rendered

On Friday, April 19th, around 3:45 pm I received the following e-mail from the property manager...
Dear B,

It is my understanding that (The property manager's favorite plumber) left you a message to schedule an appointment to correct the drainage problem that you reported.
Please confirm by return email that you have connected with (plumber) and scheduled a time.

Please note that you have been notified in prior communications - all Association business is to be reported to the management office and not the Board of Directors directly.  You know the email.

Thank you in advance for you (sic) cooperation.

I e-mailed back...
Dear Mara:

(Plumber) called today, April 19th, 2013, at 1:37pm

There was no contact before then.
I will call him back and schedule a time

Please note that
you have been notified in prior communications that all matters regarding maintenance and repairs are to be reported to me and not M, who is busy with detail-intensive work and cannot be disturbed with these matters, which she entrusted to me.
You know the e-mail.

When you play by the rules, I'll play by the rules.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
You'll note the plumber called only two hours before she e-mailed me.
I called the plumber, who was in the middle of a job and told me he'd call back ASAP.
As of Monday morning, March 22nd, I'm still waiting...

In an unrelated note, welders arrived to fix the gangway front gate.
They banged on my door and asked me for access to the laundry room so they could hook up their tools.
I'm billing the property manager for my time, since the matter isn't of concern to me and is not my responsibility.