Monday, December 31, 2012

Water Totally-Out, then Back, Then Hot Water Goes out AGAIN!

This morning we were without any water at all.
Surprisingly, it wasn't due to Board or property manager incompetence!
It was a water-main break wodn the block, which the Municipal Water Management Department fixed within six hours!

Good luck was not to last, however.
This afternoon, while doing laundry, I discovered the hot water was out, again!

It's probably as simple as hitting the "reset" button on the hot water heater.
But, since only the Twit has a key to the Boiler Room, and he's not here...

I'm not that concerned about myself or the missus, we can go to the gym and shower there.
But there are at least three families in the complex with newborns or toddlers who need to be bathed and both dishes and clothes washed (in hot water) to maintain sanitation.
I fear for them.

Updates as they occur...
4:00 pm Twit is home, but the hot water is still off.
Either he's not going out for New Year's or he takes cold showers as a matter of course.

8:00pm Hot water is back on, finally.