Friday, December 28, 2012

Hot Water Out...Back Working...Then Goes Out Again!

We awoke at 6am to discover there was no hot water.
Since the Twit is the only one with a key to the Boiler Room, there was nothing we could do about restoring service.
(Plus, since he's probably used to taking cold showers, the Twit would be unaware that there is a problem.)
The hot water came back on around 11am.
However, when I tried to take a shower at 1pm, the hot water was non-functional again.
(It's been running for over 20 minutes now, and the water is still cold.)

It's probably as simple as hitting the "reset" button on the hot water heater.
But, since only the Twit has a key to the Boiler Room...

I'm not that concerned about myself or the missus, we can go to the gym and shower there.
But there are at least three families in the complex with newborns or toddlers who need to be bathed and both dishes and clothes washed (in hot water) to maintain sanitation.
I fear for them.

Updates as they occur...
Returned home at 7pm to find hot water back on.
Whether it stays on or not remains to be seen.