Friday, December 13, 2013

Property Manager Brings In Expensive Lawer in Attempt to Frighten Us

It's been a busy period, but since the Board trolls this blog, we couldn't post info without revealing our plans to combat their immoral, unethical, and most likely, illegal, activities.
After the last post, the Property Manager apparently freaked out, realizing her lack of legal knowledge resulted in numerous, legally-questionable, mistakes in her threats and, instead of using the Board's normal lawyer for such matters, decided to try to frighten us by bringing in a lawyer who charges three times her usual guy's rates.
(The reason for this is that legal expenses incurred by the Board in such matters are billed back to the Unit Owner.
This is usually done in matters involving late assessments, and, as such, is a logical move against delinquent Unit Owners.
But, in this case, it's used as an unethical and immoral weapon against a Unit Owner who, unlike the Board members bringing allegations against the Unit Owner's resident, has NEVER missed an assessment payment.
The fact that the Inept Property Manager deliberately went with a lawyer who charges three times the rate her normal lawyer charges is proof of that.)

A week later, we received a letter from the Expensive Lawyer that read like it was written by a first-year law student after an all-nighter fueled by Classic Coke and Double-Stuff Oreos!
It first admits the numerous mistakes of the previous threats and then issues more threats, including a further, apparently-illegal threat.
...the Board of Directors is hereby holding a fine hearing for violations referenced in the Notices on December 18, 2013 @6:45 pm in the (usual location over a mile from the condo) and intends to levy a fine for no less than $500 for past violations and assess legal fees and costs incurred to date to enforce the Declararion against Unit for the above-referenced violations...You are granted an opportunity to be heard regarding the Notice of Violation.
If you fail to appear at the fine hearing, a fine shall be levied against your Unit in your absence and shall be a lien against your Unit.
If you're legally sharp, you catch the underlying legal problem with the threat.
I'm not revealing it now, because I'm saving it for the hearing, where I'll sandbag them...
More on Monday, and all through the week, including info about the kangaroo court.