Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Board Meeting Scheduled for Tomorrow...or IS IT?

With the last (late as usual) assessment bill, there was a flyer for a Board Meeting on August 14th at the usual distant-from-the-condo location.
However, as of 7am this morning, only 36 hours before the scheduled meeting, there are no flyers in either building lobby...as required by law!
(Notice is supposed to be posted in a "public place" no less than 48 hours before a meeting.)
Has the meeting been cancelled?
Is the Board planning to have it in secret?
What machinations are the Board and their servant planning?
(Note: There have been no Board Meeting minutes issued in over a year, not since the "Security Camera Debacle" detailed HERE.)
We'll be there, one way or another, so be here on Thursday for a follow-up.

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