Thursday, March 21, 2013

Board Meeting 3/20/13

One of the Board members didn't show.
Though they made light of it, the others were obviously concerned.
He's "missed" previous meetings and there's rumors of a rift between him and the others.
The Twit made light of the fact he hasn't yet produced Minutes for either the September or December 2013 meetings, breezily announcing "Don't worry about it." when asked.
It was announced that the already-late 2012 Financials will be sent with the April assessments.
(The March assessments were handed out to attendees, so non-attendees won't receive theirs by mail until at least the 22nd or 23rd in typical inept Fox Management fashion.)
Though it was announced publicly that there were no delinquencies, the Board rushed through the meeting as if to get rid of us so they could discuss matters in "private".
Unfortunately for them, the room was not as private as they might have wanted, since we arrived there before any of the others and were able to "prep" it.
Readers of our private / unexpugated blog can read the details now.
If you're not already a member, e-mail us at for an individualized password. (sub "@" for "at" tand take off "pants")