Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Property Manager's Vendor Requests Assistance Part 2

This morning, Jeffrey Kratowicz of Jeffrey's Plumbing buzzed me and requested I aid him in getting access to the buildings.
I did so and informed him that I would be billing the Management company for my services that he specifically-requested.
It's the second time in a month that I've been requested by the management company's vendors to aid them in carrying out their duties.
(The first time was HERE.)

Oddly, Kratowicz was not here on a plumbing matter, but to aid contractors who are replacing hallway windows get access to the building!

Considering the considerable sum management presently owes me for services (plus late fees, which are still accruing) dating back to 2008, you'd think they'd be a bit more cautious in requesting my aid, since they're well aware I'll bill them for it!