Thursday, November 29, 2012

Did You Know...?

Both The Twit and The Eunuch are balding at a most remarkable rate?
But I, despite being older than one of them and younger than the other, still have a lovely full head of hair?

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Property Manager's Vendor Requests Assistance Part 2

This morning, Jeffrey Kratowicz of Jeffrey's Plumbing buzzed me and requested I aid him in getting access to the buildings.
I did so and informed him that I would be billing the Management company for my services that he specifically-requested.
It's the second time in a month that I've been requested by the management company's vendors to aid them in carrying out their duties.
(The first time was HERE.)

Oddly, Kratowicz was not here on a plumbing matter, but to aid contractors who are replacing hallway windows get access to the building!

Considering the considerable sum management presently owes me for services (plus late fees, which are still accruing) dating back to 2008, you'd think they'd be a bit more cautious in requesting my aid, since they're well aware I'll bill them for it!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Assessment arrives Late, NO Board meeting Minutes enclosed, yet again...

We received the latest assessment (late as usual) and, surprise, surprise, there's no Board Meeting minutes included in the envelope!
The Twit, the Twat, the Tart, and the Eunuch have failed in their responsibilities...again!

One way to avoid telling an embarrassing truth is to say nothing at all.
That seems to be the policy of the Property Manager and Board.
As you remember, both the Board and Property Manager stated they would correct the inaccurate statement in previous Minutes that there was a rodent infestation in our unit when it was, in fact, 2E (In the same "line" of units, but two floors higher) that had visits by rodents.
(We've had none to date!)
Yet, here we are, three assessment mailings later, and there's no Board meeting Minutes included in the (as usual) late-arriving assessment billing. (It was postmarked November 21st, a day after it should have arrived!)
Interpret as you will...

Friday, November 9, 2012

Invasion of the Roaches?

There's a new notice in the lobby.
It states that it's "mandatory" that an exterminator be allowed in on November 17th to spray.
There are two items of interest in the notice.
One is that it specifically-mentions roaches.
We have not seen a single roach in our 7+ years here!
We have glue traps down to catch the occasional spider or millipede that does crawl around, but no roaches...
The other is that the exterminator listed in the flyer, Aerex, is different from the one the Board has used as long as we've been here...AND Exterminators!
Why the change?
Did the property manager not pay her bill to AND Exterminators?
Or, like her role-model Mitt Romney, she "...likes being able to fire people who provide services to me!"?
We'll give you a report (probably with video) after the new exterminator's visit.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Is Our Property Manager Modeling herself after Mitt Romney?

Is our property manager the Mitt Romney of Claremont Condos?
Like the Republican presidential candidate, she obfuscates her so-called achievements, failing to provide specifics when asked.
Like Romney's famous unreleased taxes, she refuses to release detailed information about the condo's finances.
(Compare the financial release several years ago [9 pages] to the current [2 page] financial statement.)
What's she hiding?
And, like the Republicans, she's attempted to block properly-conducted elections for our condo board.
Of course, if she's the Mitt Romney of Claremont, that would make the Whistleblower the Barack Obama of our little complex.
Makes sense.