Monday, August 27, 2012

Board Desperate for Cash, Moves Meeting Date Up to Bill Sooner!

Remember when we told you about the insane demand for a special assessment for unneeded "security cameras"?
Well, here's an interesting twist... The Board and Property Manager have moved up the meeting!
Originally, it was scheduled for September 26th.
But, it's been moved up to September 5th!

Why, you may ask?
If it was held on the 26th, they wouldn't be able to include the Special Assessment in billing until bills are sent out after October 20th!
But, if it's held on the 5th, they can include it in the bills sent after September 20th!
They must really be desperate for the cash infusion if they actually move up the date!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Screening and Financial EDiocy at Claremont

Remember when we told you about the stupidity of a Board member who forced workers to climb a ladder three stories to repair window screens that could easily have been removed and repaired from the inside of his unit?
Well, we can add another layer of EDiocy to his credit.

Late last week, his neighbor on the third floor, in the unit adjacent to his, had all her windows replaced!
Ironically, what was the first thing the workers removed when demolishing the old windows?
The screens...which were intact and undamaged!

The Board member was obviously aware of the window replacement, since he had to vote to approve the financial allocation to pay for it.
So, why didn't he simply wait until his neighbor's windows were replaced, then use the discarded screens to replace his damaged screens?
It would've saved any and all repair costs, much less the extra charges imposed for climbing three stories, removing the screens, repairing them, then climbing three stories again to re-install them!

And then he has the gall to demand $10,000 for unneeded "security cameras"? Subscribers will read the details on the daily uncensored feed tomorrow.

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