Tuesday, July 24, 2012

$5000 for security cameras...when there's NO vandalism?

Along with the late assessment bill was a standalone memo...
At the Board of Directors' Meeting on July 5, 2012, the Board discussed the continued vandalism that is occurring at the Association.
There continues (sic) to be random acts of vandalism to the courtyard gate, landscaping, laundry room equipment and storage areas.
The Board of Director's (sic) is considering installing security cameras in each laundry room and the front and back courtyards.
The Board has conducted preliminary research and anticipates the cost of the project to range between $5,000 and $10,000 (on average $400 to $800 per unit.)
The project would be funded as a special assessment.
The Board of Directors will discuss and approve the special assessment at the next scheduled meeting, Wednesday, September 26, 2012 (at an off-site location over a mile away).
As soon as we received the notice, we went to our local Police District Station.
We enquired as to reports of vandalism at '58-'60 for the past several years.
We were told there were NO reports of ANY crimes at '58-'60! (Note: in order to file and collect on an insurance claim for vandalism, you must file a police report!)
In fact, there's only five crime reports for our whole block from 2010 to 2012!
Why haven't the "random acts of vandalism" been reported to police?
And what ARE the "random acts of vandalism"?
There's NO sign of any problems around here!
Certainly not $5,000 to $10,000 worth of damage!
Hell, not even $1.99 worth of damage!

So why are the Board and property manager asking for a $5,000-$10,000 Special Assessment at $400-$800 per unit...the equivalent of several months' assessments?
Consider that, pre-Recession, there were months when 6 out of 13 units failed to pay assessments!
And that was pre-Recession!
What do you think the percentage is now?
(Note: We have never missed an assessment payment!)

Here's a bit of speculation...
What if the whole "security system" premise is a sham, and the property manager and Board are using it to mask acquiring a desperately-needed $5,000-$10,000 operating cash infusion without explaining the true reasons?
Makes more sense than a special assessment for an un-needed security system...that will probably never be purchased, and the money will go to cover shortfalls caused by a variety of reasons our subscribers will see in the unexpurgated version of this post or, if you're not already a subscriber (as several unit owners and residents are) by sending a request to claremontwhistleblower at gmailpants.com, and change "at" to "@" and take off "pants". (We do this to avoid spammers and EDiots.)