Monday, September 3, 2012

Who Watches the Watcher?

I find the idea of a never-married, middle-aged/elderly guy, living in a lonely apartment with no significant other, using cameras mounted all over the condo complex to watch men and women (almost all considerably younger than him) and their pre-pubescent children, more than a bit creepy.
Makes you wonder if he'll be manipulating the controls one-handed...
Mind you, this is a guy who called the cops and claimed I was stalking him while I was sitting in my own unit!
(That's just one of the recent examples of his...unusual...behavior.)
Plus, he's paranoid about himself being photographed, but apparently doesn't give a damn about the rights of others.

In addition, after a couple of weeks, he'll have the timing down for everybody's movements.
This odd duck will know when people are home...and when they're not.
It would be an easy step after that to access units under the pretext of repairs and install more cameras in bedrooms or bathrooms.

It begs the question: Who watches the watcher?

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