Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Old Tricks by the Board and Property Manager

In 2005, the Board (with the Property Manager's approval) passed a Special Assessment to repair a section of concrete in the back of the building.
in 2006, the Board (with the Property Manager's approval) passed a Special Assessment to repair a section of concrete in the back of the building.
(The very same section as a matter of fact!
It had not been repaired in 2005!)
In 2007, the concrete was finally repaired, at a cost far less than either of the assessments!
What happened to the rest of the money collected for both of the Special Assessments?
If you're not a Board member, you don't know, and the Board and property manager won't let you see the books to find out!
(Note: the assessments were raised in 2007.)

It's said that "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
The Board and the property manager are about to prove it...again, unless I stop them.
But I can't stop them alone.
If the usual unit owner antipathy holds, they'll get away with it.
Let's see what happens tonight.