Thursday, December 13, 2012

Observations about the Board Meeting

Held, as usual, over a mile away from the condo, at a local library.
M and I were the only non-Board/property manager humans present.
The Board and property manager were limited in their vitriol due to being located in the main room of the library, instead of a side room.
The Twat complained about being abandoned by her family during the holidays.
(Does this mean her husband has left her for a woman?)
Because we were sitting behind the Twit and the Eunuch, we had a clear look at both of their rapidly-expanding bald spots.
Oddly, though the Eunuch is younger, his "moon roof" is bigger.
The Eunuch commented that the Twit is growing his hair longer (probably to do a comb-over of his "chrome dome").
The Tart sat mute through most of the meeting, looking depressed.

Interesting note: the condo's official Christmas bonus for the mailcarrier is only $10.
M and I give him a $20 gift card (the maximum under the law), so we again prove our moral superiority to the Board and property manager.
(No surprise there...)

M brought up the fact that the Board and property manager failed (as usual) to keep their word.
They had no intelligent response and mumbled something to the effect that "it'll be taken care of"
We'll see.

Though the matter was "tabled" at the last meeting, no mention was made of the security camera farce, so I think it's safe to assume that the matter is finally dead.

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