Thursday, May 9, 2013

Previously-Unannounced Meeting!

A notice posted in the lobby listed a Board meeting on May 15th.
This is curious for several reasons...
  • 1) It's only two months since the last meeting. Usually they're three months apart.
  • 2) It's at the usual location over a mile away. The Board and Property Manager are aware that, due to mass-transit budget cuts, the bus M and I use to get to the over-a-mile distant location (we don't have a car) no longer runs after the start time of the meeting, forcing us to pay for a cab to get home. An obviously-deliberate ploy to keep us from attending, due to M's bad knees. Despite the unwarranted additional expense and inconvenience, we'll be there to face them down.
  • 3) The year-end report contained a number of inaccuracies or (ahem) fallacies. We reported a couple of these in our previous post. Combine that with the failure of the Property Manager and Board to provide minutes for the three meetings since September 2012, and it looks like somebody's trying to cover their collective asses.
We have suspicions as to what, exactly, is going on.
Check this public blog for the leads, and our subscription-only blog for full details on the 16th.
If you want to subscribe, send an e-mail to claremontwhistlebloweratgmailpantsdotcom, substitute "@"for "at", "." for "dot", and tale off "pants".