Thursday, February 21, 2013

Assessment Arrives "On Time"...but Late!

The assessment bill arrived on Wednesday, the 20th...without Board meeting minutes from either September or December, 2012!
But, since February only has 28 days, the assessment's arrival on the 20th leaves only eight days to avoid a late charge!
It's a clever stunt by the property manager, who can claim "Well, you got it by the 20th! What are you bitching about?", while leaving less than ten days to pay the bill!
Fear not, reader, she's not as smart as we are.
Payment is being sent today, with delivery confirmation.

As to why there's no meeting minutes...either the Twit is totally-incapable of writing a couple of coherent paragraphs, or he's afraid to put anything on paper because he knows he'll be called out on any lies he presents.
It's certainly not due to lack of time on his hands, since he's apparently underemployed judging from the amount of times I see him here in the afternoon.