Thursday, September 6, 2012

Board Meeting & the Post-Meeting Confrontation with a Fool!

Well, the Board meeting was interesting.
The only ones besides the Board and property manager were M and myself.
However, our lobbying campaign did produce results.
The majority of responses to the questionnaire (including, surprisingly, a Board member) were negative.
The Board was forced to table the matter of the "security camera assessment" at least until the next meeting.
So, no ridiculous multi-month assessment for now.

M asked the Board to retract the erroneous listing in the past two Board meeting minutes about our unit being infested with rodents (when it was, in fact, 2E that had rats).
While they promised to do so, we've seen how little the word of the property manager and Board is worth, so I'll believe it when I see it.

When asked about the so-called "vandalism", they rattled off things like leaving newspapers on the table in the Laundry Room (which I do for others to read), leaving the lights on, and the Board member who constantly calls the cops blamed me for his black thumb and dying plants.
In other words, no actual vandalism!
Oh, and according to him, "people saw you (meaning me) doing those things."
Of course, when asked, he couldn't produce a single name or date, which zeros out his cred in these matters.
The fact I didn't do any of the things he accused me of is irrelevant.
In fact, I think he's doing it for two reasons...
1) To get a free computer, since the description of the "security system" would, for some reason, entail a board member receiving a state-of-the art computer.
(Which, BTW, is why they wouldn't install a far less-expensive system monitored by an outside firm!)
2) To keep his $10 a month basement living space by creating a boogy-man in the minds of the weak-minded Board members that they would never rent the space to, no matter how economically-advantageous it would be to the Condo.
M offered $150 a month for the space. He pays $10 a month. You do the math.
He also claims that I've been recording him, which is ridiculous, since his visage would shatter the lens on my camera.
And, it brings up an obvious question; if "people" actually saw me do things, why would they need cameras?

Speaking of that fool, while M and I were waiting after the off-site meeting for the last bus on the route, he passed by the bus stop, did a one-eighty, then approached us and began haranguing me.
I hadn't spoken to him outside of the Board meeting, and why he started ranting is beyond me.
Regrettably, M hates confrontation, especially with small rodent-like creatures (she has the same problem with Chihuahuas), so she tried to get me to ignore him.
However, I don't back down, and the whining fool continued to scream and squeak (appropriately like a demented Chihuahua), and followed us onto the bus, when he continued his ranting to the distress of others on the vehicle.
He got off a stop before us and I had hoped that we wouldn't have to put up with his juvenile antics for the rest of the evening.
But it was not to be...

Subscribers can read the details on the daily uncensored feed.
And take comfort in the fact that, in the end, I usual.
Want to subscribe? Send a request to claremontwhistleblower at, change "at" to "@" and take off "pants". (We do this to avoid spammers and EDiots.)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Old Tricks by the Board and Property Manager

In 2005, the Board (with the Property Manager's approval) passed a Special Assessment to repair a section of concrete in the back of the building.
in 2006, the Board (with the Property Manager's approval) passed a Special Assessment to repair a section of concrete in the back of the building.
(The very same section as a matter of fact!
It had not been repaired in 2005!)
In 2007, the concrete was finally repaired, at a cost far less than either of the assessments!
What happened to the rest of the money collected for both of the Special Assessments?
If you're not a Board member, you don't know, and the Board and property manager won't let you see the books to find out!
(Note: the assessments were raised in 2007.)

It's said that "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
The Board and the property manager are about to prove it...again, unless I stop them.
But I can't stop them alone.
If the usual unit owner antipathy holds, they'll get away with it.
Let's see what happens tonight.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Truth Will Be Presented...Tomorrow!

As we pointed out HERE, the desperate Board moved the meeting up to tomorrow.
What they don't realize is that the unit owners have been alerted to their deception in claiming that the enormous Special Assessment is a blind to the truth.
When they fail to present any evidence of actual vandalism (pix, insurance claims, police reports, et al), they'll be forced to acknowledge publicly, why they really need the money!
They also don't know who'll be there...

Monday, September 3, 2012

Who Watches the Watcher?

I find the idea of a never-married, middle-aged/elderly guy, living in a lonely apartment with no significant other, using cameras mounted all over the condo complex to watch men and women (almost all considerably younger than him) and their pre-pubescent children, more than a bit creepy.
Makes you wonder if he'll be manipulating the controls one-handed...
Mind you, this is a guy who called the cops and claimed I was stalking him while I was sitting in my own unit!
(That's just one of the recent examples of his...unusual...behavior.)
Plus, he's paranoid about himself being photographed, but apparently doesn't give a damn about the rights of others.

In addition, after a couple of weeks, he'll have the timing down for everybody's movements.
This odd duck will know when people are home...and when they're not.
It would be an easy step after that to access units under the pretext of repairs and install more cameras in bedrooms or bathrooms.

It begs the question: Who watches the watcher?

Subscribers can read an expanded version of this post with more details about the Board member's previous actions at our other blog.
Want to subscribe? Send a request to claremontwhistleblower at, change "at" to "@" and take off "pants". (We do this to avoid spammers and EDiots.)