Monday, April 23, 2012

Fallen Idols

I used to respect, even admire, a certain condo law attorney.
His column on condominium law in our local paper was (repeat was) must-read material in our humble home on Sundays.
I thought he was the condo law equivalent of Perry Mason.
But, when your hero develops feet of clay and actually tells you in a very threatening letter that, according to him, you have "no standing or legal right to communicate...on any subject or issue." (emphasis mine), you wonder what happened to the guy you admired, not to mention his apparent lack of knowledge of the First Amendment.
You shake off your disillusionment, another idol shattered, and move on.
See you soon.
There will be a lot to talk about.

4/23 Assessment received late, as usual

Assessment bill, due on 4/20, arrived on 4/23, postmarked 4/21.
2011 Financials finally arrived, with only generic category listings like "general maintenance", no listings of specifics and no check listings, like Fox Management used to do.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Due to legal threats ("...we strongly suggest that Mr. B remove his blog from the Internet.") by a noted condo law attorney whom I once deeply admired and respected, this blog is being modified, but will not be deleted.
(BTW the italic emphasis is mine.)
All previous content, despite being perfectly legal (and non-defamatory), has been archived.

Any questions should be sent via e-mail at !
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Thursday, April 19, 2012


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E-mail any requests for previous posts to
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E-mail any requests for previous posts to
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