Monday, April 15, 2013

The return of an Old Problem

With an old plumbing problem rearing it's head, M contacted the property manager via their website's maintenance/repair request page...
The ongoing problem with backup from washing machines on the East line of '60 N Claremont into our bathroom (dating back to 2009) is recurring once more.
It re-started about a month and a half ago with a little foam, but has been progressively getting worse.
The backflow of suds and water almost fills what is now a shower stall with only a 2" depth instead of a bathtub, and probably will begin overflowing in the next week or so.
We suggest you contact a plumber and let us know when he can be here to roto-rooter the problem, as has been done several times previously.

I will not be available to deal with this so, if you have any questions, please have the plumber call B at (cell) or (home) or e-mail to make arrangements.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.
We'll let you know what the response is, and if our property manager actually follows instructions for a change.